Monday, March 17, 2014

Baby Merlin is 1 month old.

Yes! Already a month!
Baby Merlin is adorable and (his smiles are irresistible!) he is growing fast.
Mommy is lacking some sleep and baby has some colic sometimes but we are getting better.
I'd love to understand why babies have colic if breast milk is suppose to be the best and mommy is watching what she ate!...
I didn't know how hungry and thirsty we can be when we breastfeed! So I am eating more whole food with some mashed potatoes, steam veggies (like swiss chards, beets...) but I still try to keep most of them raw and juices.

Little Merlin love to be in water (it's not a surprise as he lived in it for more than 8 months, he was born in water and I was really attract by water while pregnant).

A little fact about Merlin: we discovered that he was born with two little teeth!

We started to try Communication Elimination with him;
This is really interesting to see how you can answer your baby's needs and how a new born is able to control his sphincters.
It was a bit hard for me to believe but after seeing few families who experienced it and reading the book  Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by Ingrid Bauer), we decided to give it a try and this is really rewarding to be able to answer one of your baby's need.
We don't 'catch' everything but it's a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour à vous tous,
    Les coliques sont très souvent un processus normal, le temps que l'organisme se forme (dixit mon médecin de famille, j'ai 3 enfants). Si ça perdure, il vaut mieux consulter. Pour les dents c'est normal, il y a des bébés avec des dents à la naissance. C'est vrai que ça fait bizarre ! Heureux de voir que vous allez bien et que tout va pour le mieux. Toute la famille vous embrasse. Bises, Stéphane
