Monday, December 2, 2013

Month 6 : 27 weeks

Already 6 months!wow!
It's a very interesting journey!

And a challenging month with still lots of cramps, ligaments, contractions and now pain in my upper legs!; Plus a little cold that slowed me down even more.
I was wondering if vitamins supplements could help it? What do you think? (I have a prescription from the Doctor!).
I am very careful because I had to stay in bed for my 2 first pregnancy for the 3 last months and I really don't want it to happen again!
I cannot stand in the same place for too long; I even need to walk or sit as baby is pretty low already!
He is still very active.

I had a little visit with the doctor (another $30) to check my weight (2 pounds per month is perfect!), blood pressure, baby's heart beat and we even did a little ultra sound with some measurements and yes we saw the gender! : It's a Boy!
He even showed his thumbs up to show us that all was good! and then he opened his hand to wave!

This month I've started to read an interesting book that helps mothers to externalize their emotions through art and more about childbirth preparation..
I am planning to do some of the 'exercises'... but I already realized a lot on what happened in my first pregnancy. I am glad that I grew up my self-esteem and that this pregnancy is helping me to understand my feelings at that time and my feelings now!
So, here is the book!: 'Birthing From within' - from Pam England

I am also reading online articles about home and water birth and I really love this one:

On the food side, I Love green juices and I feel that I need them 2 to 3 times a day to feel good.
My 2 basics are: apple, pineapple, lemon, cucumber, celery and green (spinach or kale) 
and just apple, carrots.... 
Smoothies are too heavy for me, I really prefer juices.
Beside that I like salads, veggie sticks (carrots, celery, cucumber) with hummus or nut pate, steam or roasted veggies (some time to time) and I really like spinach at this time.
I still have hard time eating bananas (I can eat them when sliced with raw cacao on top!) and fresh young coconut (that I loved before being pregnant!) won't go pass my throat! .
Avocados, only half of it and not on a daily basis!
I really feel what my body want to eat or need; Each day is different; Sometimes I try to plan what I will eat but at the last minutes, my body will send me a signal to eat something else!
Once in a while I will have a craving for a cooked food plate and I will allow it (this month was spinach raviolis!).

I just finished to crochet a baby cocoon (pretty cute!), it was a long project and a little assorted hat...
You can check it on my creative blog.

I feel that I am attracted by water a lot; showering and bath are very pleasant moments.
The river is also magical...

That's it for this month!
We gonna start looking at baby gears soon!...

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment below!...

 Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, November 2, 2013

5 months in my pregnancy - 22 weeks

Another nice month in this pregnancy that brought me an open mind in this area!

Everyday is different; Some day I feel great and I enjoy it, while some others are a bit challenging.
I was able to do a little walk not long ago without contractions (I had contractions since month 4; it's getting better now) and it felt very good.

I had 2 night with striking leg pain (thing that I never had before as well as the ligaments pain!);
So I did some research and applied some tips that helped me, like some little exercises,  hot water, a pillow under my feet when I sleep and I am trying to drink more.
With these pain I decided to check my magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and other minerals in my blood and everything was fine! (it cost me $32)

This baby seems to take so much space in my belly! I feel that I am as big at 5 months than I was at 36 weeks for my first kids! my belly is pretty tense.
Baby is very active too, especially when I lay down!

I finished to read the book that I was talking about last month; It was a good book with lots of information;
and I read Angela Stokes-Monarch ebook : A gentle start, that is full of great advices for new moms and a good reminder for others with a good resources of links:

On the food side, I love green juices and I like trying new combination;
I also enjoy fresh veggies and sometime to time a sweet treat like raw brownie with fruits and melted chocolate (but also sometimes a baked pastry!).

I started to crochet some baby clothes; Check my crafty blog if you want!...
It feels good to be creative again!

Thank you for stopping by! 
I'll be happy if you want to left me a little note!

Does anyone have something to share about home birth?

 Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Month 4 - 18 weeks

Things are getting better!
I feel better and I can do more things but still need some period of rest.
I still have some pain ligaments some time to time.
And I feel the baby moving more.
I am feeling pretty big already!

I young mom landed me a pile of books about natural birthing and I have started to read some interesting books that help me and reminded me about what I've learned with my two older children but also helped me to open my mind on another way to birth!
This book give plenty of information about the medical birth in hospital; The history of it and giving the right back to women to be active and live plenty their childbirth; I highly recommend it:

I am starting to understand what I have to learn with this unplanned pregnancy!
It will help me in my personal development...

For my meals, I still enjoy my raw meals (I love zucchini linguine with raw marinara sauce, papaya salad, Kale salad), fruits for breakfast and snacks and sometimes I have some cooked food like quinoa salad, mashed potatoes, spinach with eggs (the spinach here are so thick that are impossible to eat them in salads!).
And I am so happy that the mango season came back; they are a treat each time!
I can eat small bananas and avocado again but in small portion.
Strange thing for me is that I craved eggs! A thing that I didn't ate for years as I couldn't digest them, but here they are way different!; Free range, extra fresh eggs, just by typing that make me want one for lunch!
If you want some recipes, check my blog on raw and whole food: and let me know if you want me to share some special 'recipes'.
What is confusing for me is that when I am too hungry I feel like to throwing up! 

Car rides are still uncomfortable and I avoid them but it's not that easy when the village is at 4km away!

Thank you for following me... feel free to share with us anything you want below ;)

Monday, September 2, 2013

3 months pregnant

3 months today!
and lot in my head!
Working on accepting an unplanned pregnancy is not a simple task...
I have to work on the emotional, spiritual and physical aspect of the event.
I read a lot on internet and it had help me a bit.

I had another ultra-son last week to check on any malformation and looks like all is well.
I was surprised by the new technology of the 3D ultra son!
(The ultra son was $45)
Here is a summary of it:

We have to wait another 10 weeks if we want to know the sex of the baby!

Today I went to see the doctor ($30 consultation) and asked all the questions I had!
and we think it's pretty much like the clinic in France.
But as it's a 50 minutes drive to the big city where the clinic is I am thinking of a natural home birth...
(I had an hemorrhage at my last childbirth and I am a bit scare!)...   

On the physical side, I have ligaments pain that are not fun at all and I have difficulties to do housework!
So I relax and sleep a lot!

I still cannot eat bananas and avocados (or on a very small quantity) and Love tomatoes, apple and cinnamon (of course not together!).

If any of you want to share their own experience I will be happy to hear it!...
Thank for reading.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Special surprise in our new life.

At the end of June, we moved to Ecuador for the third part of our life...
We wanted to find a good weather to be able to grow our own food all year long.
We bought a pretty house with a bit of land and started this new journey with lots to discover and to learn.
While we were in Canada, very busy with all the administrative papers and more, the life decided to reserve us a special surprise!...
One day after a 10 hours drive trip, I started to get pain in my tummy; I thought of a digestive problem but after a week this idea faced me and I bought a pregnancy test;
It was hard to accept the positive result! This was not something we had planned... Our daughter is 17 and our son 21!...
So I decided to get an appointment with a gynecologist to confirm the result.
On July 29th, We saw this doctor who confirmed us with an ultra-sound that I was 9 weeks pregnant!
Another life changing event! (seeing this little heart beating inside of you is something really special!)

(Of course I thought of the possibility of an abortion for a moment but it's illegal in Ecuador and I would have to fly back in we faced the surprising event!)...

Now I have decided to share with you this adventure for few reasons:
-1) I am over 40
-2) Being pregnant and giving birth in a foreign country and
-3) being pregnant on a vegetarian and plant base diet (mostly raw food).

For those who are interested by some details about the visit with the gynecologist in Ecuador:
it cost us $30 (included the ultra-sound)
The Doctor was really nice and happy for us!
He prescribed me a complete blood test (urine test and more)  (cost $92.70)
He prescribed me some folic acid and vitamin B12 but I returned the bottle to the pharmacy as the B12 dosage was stupidly high (8333% of daily recommended intake!)
And I have another ultra-sound to be done at week 12 to look at the potential of down syndrome.

So here is the first image of our new experience!:

Other little things...
I like fruits and veggies, I am attracted to but there is some that I cannot eat anymore at this time!
I can't eat : avocados, I have hard time with greens (kale...), bananas, some citrus.
Things I want to eat: apples and apple sauce with cinnamon, fresh orange juice (once a day), red fruits (cherries, strawberries, tomatoes... something is going on with my red chakra!), and lately saffron in basmati rice, peaches, pears...
I've been a bit tired and need a little nap in the afternoon and I cannot do long walk anymore.
I am working on a psychological level to accept that this pregnancy can be different and better than my two first ones where I needed to lie down for the three last months!.
The first months are a bit painful and hopefully it will get better soon...