Thursday, April 17, 2014

Merlin is 2 months

Here we are! Second month for Merlin...
It has been an interesting month with more learning even if I have already two (big) kids there is still something to learn as each baby is different.
It has been challenging in getting enough sleep, some days I felt that I only have time to go to the washroom (if I even have the time!), as Merlin love to nurse and to be rock in our arms.
He was breastfeed every one to two and a half hours; only last night he slept 4 and a half hour and 3 hours straight, hooray! But my breast was not prepare for that and they were pretty full!
Breastfeeding has some little challenge as well... I read that it's not suppose to hurt, so I am working on gets better today as well.
Food sensitivity is something I try to keep track for him to reduce gazes and colic
Here is a book I read this month about breastfeeding:
'The drinks are on me' by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Merlin is growing well, he is now around 10 pounds (4.6kg) and gain 10 cm in length !
He is changing so quickly; Everyday he is a new baby!

We had our first get out in town and Merlin Loves car rides! Even on bumpy roads!

We continue the EC (elimination communication) and we are surprise how well it works.

Merlin enjoy being in water and the little plastic tube is already too small! It's way better in the big bathtub .

He is starting to coo a little and he is looking to get his thumb in his mouth...not easy task for a baby!

Thank you for your visit!...

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