Monday, May 19, 2014

Merlin is 3 month old...

Another month have passed and Merlin is growing well.
By the end of this third month he had double his birth weight!.

We still have a little lack of sleep as Merlin needs to be rock in our arms to fall asleep!
Yes, we do not want to let him cry alone!
He is sleeping more deeply at night with two periods of 3 hours.

We still use The Elimination Communication and combine it with diaper. This is very interesting to see how a baby can control his sphincter and wait until we hold him to release.

I made a little journal on what I ate for about 15 days to find out what food Merlin was sensitive to;
So of course no dairy product (I was enjoying a piece of cheese once in a while!), no gluten, no red onion, no cabbage (including kale)...
So basically what I eat are fruits, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado and sometimes steamed potatoes. It can be challenging some time as we learned to help our emotions with comfort food!
I need to think twice before eating anything that can hurt either my body or baby's body.

He enjoys his daily bath like a little fish in the water!
He has more control of his hands and can put his thumb in his mouth; he also started to maintain his head better.
When we carry him in our arms in straight position, he will lean back with his head.
He love watching the lights!
Looks like his little teeth has started to bother him.
That's it for this month; this is so nice to watch him growing.

We cannot resist his smiles!