Monday, March 17, 2014

Baby Merlin is 1 month old.

Yes! Already a month!
Baby Merlin is adorable and (his smiles are irresistible!) he is growing fast.
Mommy is lacking some sleep and baby has some colic sometimes but we are getting better.
I'd love to understand why babies have colic if breast milk is suppose to be the best and mommy is watching what she ate!...
I didn't know how hungry and thirsty we can be when we breastfeed! So I am eating more whole food with some mashed potatoes, steam veggies (like swiss chards, beets...) but I still try to keep most of them raw and juices.

Little Merlin love to be in water (it's not a surprise as he lived in it for more than 8 months, he was born in water and I was really attract by water while pregnant).

A little fact about Merlin: we discovered that he was born with two little teeth!

We started to try Communication Elimination with him;
This is really interesting to see how you can answer your baby's needs and how a new born is able to control his sphincters.
It was a bit hard for me to believe but after seeing few families who experienced it and reading the book  Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by Ingrid Bauer), we decided to give it a try and this is really rewarding to be able to answer one of your baby's need.
We don't 'catch' everything but it's a good start.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Our Birth Story...

Merlin was born on February 17th  at 38 weeks and one day; 3 days after the Valentine full moon.

It all started around 1 am, I was having some light contractions like every other nights, so I started my little 'dance'.
At 2:30am, the contractions were closer and I understood it was serious this time, so I started preparing my den!: sweeping the bathroom floor, emptying the garbage can, preparing the towels etc has we had plan an unassisted water birth.
At 3:30am the contractions were every few minutes apart, so I woke up Hubby and asked him to prepare the bath; it was a bit challenging to get in the bath tub between contractions.
We settle a soft lighting and some candles.
Once in water, I squatted and swing on the contractions waves, breathing as I felt it; But I realized I was breathing too deeply and it over ventilated me, I was kind of dizzy and the candles made me see like a white orb, so we blew them up. I thought that the water would have been more helpful but I accepted as it was thinking that it could be worst!
As time went, the contractions were stronger and stronger, I had to find another position and I turned around, I was starting to find the process to be too long and I started to worry a bit but suddenly a big contraction with a push broke my water and I felt like an empty pouch, that worried me as well, but I brought back some positive affirmations and as the pain was very strong I asked hubby for some natural oxytocin that he gave me with kisses and hugs, it helped a lot.
A new feeling came; a feeling to push, I was not sure if it was the right time but once again I trusted  my natural instinct and let my body do his job.
I was massaging and supporting my perineum and suddenly felt baby's head crowning; it was a powerful moment. With each push I was holding hubby's wrists tightly and focusing on opening for the baby ; I tuned with him to work together. A strong push associated with a guttural sound make his head appear; I asked hubby to support his head; he was surprised to feel his little nose; it was a magical and very strong moment. Then another strong push came and baby's body came out with a kind of a twist; hubby helped him gently to get out of the water on Mommy's tummy. Pure bliss moment! We did it!
Our baby boy was here crying a little and calming in Mom's arms.
He was cover with some vernix caseosa.
After few minutes, I decided to get out of the bath to deliver the placenta; we wrapped baby and mommy in towels and it was a bit challenging again as I had not much energy.
I sit over a bucket and waited for the placenta trying to get another contraction...but nothing; I was loosing the rest of my energy and started to faint; Hubby helped me to stay awake and then helped the placenta to come out by pulling gently on the ombilical cord (as we read it in an unassisted birthing book), I was not sure about that but finally after 40 minutes, the placenta came out and I was out of energy and almost fainted 2 more times; I was really pale.
I then went on the floor to rest and drank a fresh coconut water; baby was sleeping peacefully with his umbilical cord still attach to his placenta.
It was a wonderful experience, it was a conscious birthing where we discovered much about the power of our own body.